Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Survive The End Days Book

Do you believe in the Bible and what it says about the end times? if so then you know the things that are happening in this world are evidence enough the end of the world has drawing night. If you are not a believer then you should start believing because the prophecies recorded in the good book are fast being fulfilled. Experts in theology and other scholars believe that the end will come with the start of the Third World War. In this Survive The End Days review, you are going to find out the only way to be alive after the fall.

What is Survive The End Days?

The aftermath of WW3 can only imagined but it will definitely be more devastating than the natural and man-made disasters you have ever heard about or experienced. Hidden meaning in the scriptures recorded over 2000 years ago have now been  exposed and present day United States of America in the Biblical Babylon. According to the prophecies, America will in Jan 2017 experience a disaster so devastating that could wipe out her entire population in a single event.

Experts believe that America will be hit by an electromagnetic pulse (EPM) bomb which fires anything that uses electricity including the electricity generating plants. Imagine a life without electricity? America will be submerged in complete darkness, no HVAC and other essentials meaning people will die of accidents, frostbite, disease and famine. Survive The End Days is an ebook containing a survival package that will allow you and those who matter to you survive the devastating effects and sequel of the EMP.

What Does The Pack Contain?

In essence, the package is full of information on how to prepare and survive the coming tribulations that will come with the aftermath of EMP attack on America by Russia on January 2017. The author reveals secrets on how to survive and thrive on when the services you enjoy now are gone.

Some of the things to expect in the package include:

  • Secret methods you can use to grow and cook your favorite foods without
  • How to make a device that can survive an EMP even if all other electrical
    circuits being fried from readily available materials. The device is referred to as
    Faraday Cage.
  • 7 -essential medicines that you must have in your possession if you are to
    make through after the devastation to help treat the plagues and diseases that
    will result from poor waste management.
  • Five very important electronics that you must preserve so that you can use
    them after the HEMP strikes to heat your home and access clean water.
  • How to ensure your car still runs even after the EMP strikes. The car will be
    extremely important when you are taking your loved ones into safety and
    running other vital errands.
  • How to keep yourself and your loved ones hidden and safe from harm
    resulting from hungry and violent looters

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