Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Survive The End Days Review - Is it legit or scam

No one is able to forecast when next disaster is going to happen. Even our modern technology and highly qualified scientists are failed to create any device that can show date and time of next disaster. You don’t know what is going to happen next day… or next hour… or next minute.

Are you prepared for survival when disaster strikes at your country?

Many of us want to be doctor while some want to be engineer or pilot but are we getting proper ‘survival education’. Storing piles of foods for future is useless if you don’t know how to prepare meal during survival or having Swiss knife in your pocket is useless if you don’t know how to use it effectively and productively.

Although there are many survival products and courses available on the internet but the problem is some of them are just garbage material and others are just copy paste work from others.
After reading over 30 books on survival I am now feeling secure because I have some knowledge about how to set fire without matchsticks and how to put shelter etc. I am now can now easily point out worthy products in survival niche.

Today in this website I am also going to give my review on one of the worthy programs in survival niche and that is Survive The End Days by Nathan Shepard.

There are many people who write their review without checking the product themselves but this review is going to be different because I downloaded this program myself and read it couple of times to explain every little thing that you will find inside this program.  

Note: For copyright reasons I deleted my review about steps to create Faraday Cage (Protecting your electronic device during EMP and Nuclear HEMP attack). If you want to know more about this Faraday Cage then watch video at (Make Sure You Watch Video Till The End).

Let’s start the review…

What is the Survive The End Days?

Survive The End Days Book

It is the online survival program that is created by Nathan Shepard to provide step-by-step guidelines on how to survive with your family from any disaster or crises. Nathan Shepard is the Bible Scholar since 30 years and during his research he discovered prophecy that is well-hidden in the Bible.
Author tries to explain that there are lots of phrases in Bible that give us signals of upcoming disaster in 2017. He tells about the intensity of the upcoming EMP and HEMP attack in 2017 and shared his valuable knowledge about how to survive it.

In this program, Nathan tries to interpret the second coming of Jesus and tell us the End days are very near. He talks about recent civil problems in Syria, Deadly Nepal Earthquake, Obama leadership etc.
Nathan Shepard takes around 18 months to come up with his complete survival plan that he put together in this program. Inside this survival program you going to discover how to find freshwater for yourself and your family, how to prepare shelter for your kids, how to put fire and much more. The skills that Nathan Shepard teaches inside this program will help you in normal days as well like purifying pond water during camping etc.

When you will get your hands on this program you will feel ready because this survival program has everything that you need to survive if prophecy comes true.

Here is the video created by Nathan Shepard in which he explains how Obama Government and Church leaders are engaged in massive cover-up and they are forcing Nathan to take down this video. Quickly watch this video below before Nathan takes it down.


How Survive The End Days Can Help You?

survive the end days bonus
The main objective of this survival guide is to prepare you for upcoming deadly EMP and nuclear HEMP attack in 2017. Although 2017 is not too far but still you have ample give to prepare yourself and learn some survival skills that will not only protect you but also people around you.
After getting this $37 survival guide you will learn many basic as well as essential techniques about surviving in which few of them are:
  • How to find freshwater to keep yourself and your family alive
  • How to build shelter and protect your family from dangerous animals and insects
  • How to prepare Faraday Cage that will protect your electronic devices during any disaster
  • How to prepare your own medical kit
  • How to prevent food from getting spoil during disaster or calamity
  • How to put on fire to prepare meal for your family
  • How to identify chemical weapons and how to survive them


When you purchase Survive End Days for $38 you will also get two valuable bonuses completely free. These bonuses are:

Bonus #1 – Survive The Nuclear Attack:

In this guide you will get guidelines about how to find water and food for your family whenever there is nuclear attack in your country. Additionally you will also discover tips on how to identify radiation sickness and provide treatment to it.

Bonus #2 – Survive The Chemical War Guide:

In this guide you will learn how to prepare your own survival kit whenever there is chemical war. In this guide you will find instructions about how to prepare survival tools using household items.

Things That I like:

  • Nathan will provide you guidelines about how to prepare Faraday Cage with the help of tools and items that is easily available in your house
  • The survival instructions that Nathan provided in this program will help you to survive for long days during war or disaster or EMP attack.
  • Most importantly Nathan uses simple language to explain steps one should do to prepare himself.
  • 60-Days money back guarantee that will make buyers ensure that their investment is completely secure and if they are unhappy with the content they get then they can return the product and get complete money back by just sending one refund email.

Final Verdict:

In the end of this Survive The End Days review I would like to tell you Nathan Shepard did great work by putting all the essential survival information into one place.
No one can predict when and where the next disaster can take place but this program has everything that one needs to know when something bad happens.
I strongly recommend this survival program to every family head who wants to protect his family from next earthquake, hurricane, tornadoes, terrorism, economic unrest or anything.
I don’t want to force you to prepare yourself within one day, take small steps or take little bit step every week and trust me you will feel much better knowing you can fed your family if something ‘bad’ ever happens…
And if nothing comes then still you will have secure feeling in your mind. Each of us has car and home insurance, consider Survive the End Days as insurance as well.
join survive the end days

Survive The End Days Book

Do you believe in the Bible and what it says about the end times? if so then you know the things that are happening in this world are evidence enough the end of the world has drawing night. If you are not a believer then you should start believing because the prophecies recorded in the good book are fast being fulfilled. Experts in theology and other scholars believe that the end will come with the start of the Third World War. In this Survive The End Days review, you are going to find out the only way to be alive after the fall.

What is Survive The End Days?

The aftermath of WW3 can only imagined but it will definitely be more devastating than the natural and man-made disasters you have ever heard about or experienced. Hidden meaning in the scriptures recorded over 2000 years ago have now been  exposed and present day United States of America in the Biblical Babylon. According to the prophecies, America will in Jan 2017 experience a disaster so devastating that could wipe out her entire population in a single event.

Experts believe that America will be hit by an electromagnetic pulse (EPM) bomb which fires anything that uses electricity including the electricity generating plants. Imagine a life without electricity? America will be submerged in complete darkness, no HVAC and other essentials meaning people will die of accidents, frostbite, disease and famine. Survive The End Days is an ebook containing a survival package that will allow you and those who matter to you survive the devastating effects and sequel of the EMP.

What Does The Pack Contain?

In essence, the package is full of information on how to prepare and survive the coming tribulations that will come with the aftermath of EMP attack on America by Russia on January 2017. The author reveals secrets on how to survive and thrive on when the services you enjoy now are gone.

Some of the things to expect in the package include:

  • Secret methods you can use to grow and cook your favorite foods without
  • How to make a device that can survive an EMP even if all other electrical
    circuits being fried from readily available materials. The device is referred to as
    Faraday Cage.
  • 7 -essential medicines that you must have in your possession if you are to
    make through after the devastation to help treat the plagues and diseases that
    will result from poor waste management.
  • Five very important electronics that you must preserve so that you can use
    them after the HEMP strikes to heat your home and access clean water.
  • How to ensure your car still runs even after the EMP strikes. The car will be
    extremely important when you are taking your loved ones into safety and
    running other vital errands.
  • How to keep yourself and your loved ones hidden and safe from harm
    resulting from hungry and violent looters

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Survive The End Days Book Review

What My Fellow Patriots Think About  Survive The End Days?

I could not put the books down! Since i spent most of time teaching, I do not get  to spend as much time in nature as i would wish to, so i am completely clueless about hunting methods. I was not even aware that a hunting party could tragically end if you don't reproduce the right calling sounds. You really opened my eyes!

-- Juhn Luke
-- Ethics Professor

I really appreciate and greatly admire you for what you are doing. Coming across this website was a blessing. Your books are very cheap but filled to the brim with life-saving information. So, thank you for giving everyone easy access to it.

-- Sarah
-- Prepper & Mother


Saturday, December 5, 2015

15 Food Items You Need In Crisis

In this post I am going to show you list of food items that sold out within few minutes whenever any disaster strikes. These 37 food items are enough to keep you alive for few weeks. By planning ahead and having these foods in your survival bag you don’t have to travel to the potential dangerous road, fight with large number of people or pay extra for foods items.
Whenever there is hurricane or tornado warning people prefer to stock everyday foods items such as bread, milk and water. These food items are good if you don’t have access to marketplace for one or two days but these foods become useless when disaster strike and especially when there is no water.
So, it is important to have food items that have long shelves life and don’t become useless when there is no power supply in your area. Let’s take a look on these foods items.

Food Items That Must Be Part of Your Stockpile:

Food #1 – Water:

Water is essential for survival. Without food you can live for 7-8 days but without water you can’t survive more than 3 days. It is recommended to have enough water in your stockpile. If disaster last for 2 weeks then you should have enough water for 2 weeks and if disaster last for 2 months then you should have enough water for 2 months. However, it is difficult to have water for longer period that is why you should learn water filtering skill or purchase good water filtering device.

Food #2 – Pasta:

Pasta is another great food to stock. This is because pasta contains nutrition that your body needs every day. Additionally, pasta has very long shelves life as well.

Food #3 – Rice:

Rice is the grain that you should be present every time. Firstly uncooked rice has great shelves life and second you can steam rice in almost any stove. This is the great emergency food.

Food # 4 – Canned Soup:

If you want something delicious in your stockpile then add canned soup. Canned soups are delicious and you can prepare them in any type of stove. Similar to rice, they also have long shelf life. Additionally canned soup can provide instant energy to your body.

Food #5 – Cereals:

Cereals are important to keep your body working properly and they have long shelf life as well. They are delicious and easy to prepare. Even Kids don’t make any fuss in eating them.

Food #6 – Cooking Oil:

Cooking oil is essential for preparing food. You must include healthy olive oil that has long shelf life in your stockpile.

Food #7 – Grains:

Grains are known as stock-friendly food because they have very long shelf life but, proper storing is necessary. A recently discovered barrel of wheat from ancient Greek is still in good form. Whenever disaster strikes grain sellers often get sold-out or increases grain price. So prepare ahead to avoid any trouble.

Food #8 – Sports Drink:

When any disaster strikes normally you have to work outside or travel on your foot that will make you tired very quickly. For this reason Sports drink is essential survival food.

Food #9 – Dried Fruits:

Dried fruits are delicious and they can turn any emergency food from boring to delicious. Additionally, dried fruits have long shelf life and it must be in your stockpile if you are having kids in your family.

Food #10 – Power Bars:

Along with sports drink, you must include power bar as well. Your body needs instant energy to work on extreme heat or cold and there is no better way than power bar to refill energy anytime and anywhere. When storing power bar then make sure to don’t include power bars that are covered with chocolates as chocolates melt quickly in heat and it is difficult to store chocolate covered power bar for longer period.

Food #11 – Coffee:

We all know a cup of coffee in the morning that supply good amount of energy in our body but if you are not a coffee addict then stocking it should not be your top priority. By adding sports drink and power bar you already have enough food to supply instant energy in your body.

Food #12 – Instant rice:

If you don’t know about instant rice then you must be living in Stone Age. This is because instant rice is the top survival food. You just need boiling water and few minutes to heat to prepare instant rice.

Food #13 – Alcohol:

I am sure many people will surprise to know alcohol in this survival food list. Let me explain. First of all alcohol can be good stress reliever and additionally you can use alcohol for medicinal purpose such as reliving pain.

Food #14 – Milk:

If you are having cereal in your stockpile then you must include milk as well. However it is difficult to store fresh milk for longer period but you can stock condensed or powdered milk in your stockpile. Condensed milk and powdered milk both have longer shelf life than fresh milk. You should consider storing powdered milk as it has longer shelf life than condensed milk and relatively easy to store for longer period. Additionally milk can be use for baking, cooking and drinking as well.

Food #15 – Canned Foods:

You can include canned meat, vegetables and fruits in your stockpile. If you are planning to store meat then you must store it in can with proper packing. Avoid storing beef because it take longer to prepare beef instead replace beef with chicken as it can easily be prepare on any type of stove.


Besides storing these foods you must learn how to protect your electronic device. This is because whenever you are in undetected place you must know how to send signals to help agencies to locate you and provide professional help. For this reason I would like to recommend Survive The End Days in which Nathan Shepard explains how to create Faraday Cage that protects your all electronic devices and make sure you remain connected with the world even when disaster strikes.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Review Of Survive The End Days Released By J.D. Lenney

J.D. Phillips, has recently released a review of the Survive the End of Days product released by Nathan Shepard. The product and review are available through Survival Cracks. Designed to help people build a survival kit that will keep them safe in a range of emergencies, Phillips hopes that his review will encourage more people to consider it.

"We all face tremendous dangers from famine, civil unrest and global war," says J.D. Phillips. "I want to make sure that people have the skills and tools they need to be able to save themselves when, not if, something really bad happens. I feel that Nathan Shepard's Survive The End of Days program is a vital tool towards achieving that."

In the review, Phillips starts by explaining what the program is about, what Shepard's credentials are, and what the program includes. He goes into great details about the actual contents and the individual chapters included in the program. He also discusses the bonus materials that are included in the program.

"I have to be completely honest - I was blown away by the contents of this guide," adds J.D. Phillips. "It not only met but exceeded my expectations as well. The guide gave more than I could have possibly expected, and even as an experienced prepper & survivalist - I learned a lot."

The survivalist and prepper movement has been growing steadily across the world since the year 2000, when the first major end of world theory appeared, known as Y2K. Since then, people have believed in various Doomsday scenarios, including the Mayan apocalypse in 2012. While none of these scenarios actually came true, most survivalists now believe the end of days will not come from a single, cataclysmic event. Rather, it will be caused by what is happening all over the world, including things such as global food shortages, economic collapse, wars, terrorism and more.

This and more are explained in Survive the End Days. People are encouraged to read it before deciding whether or not to purchase the program for themselves.

Contact J.D. Lenney:

J.D. Lenney
PO Box 337, Irvine CA 92606 USA

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Three Most Important Survival Skills For Every Prepper

If you want to survive with your family then it is important for you to learn as many survival skills as possible. Undoubtedly, there are many skills available all over the internet that can help you to survive with your family. But if you want to lead the pack and want to survive with your family then there are only three skills that you need most. I want you to learn them, try them and master them so you can use these skills anytime and anywhere.
Note: There are many methods for every skill that we mentioned below but I mentioned only easies, safest and quickest method. However, we encourage you to learn as many methods as possible to perform these survival skills.

Here are these three important survival skills:


Survival Skill #1 – Purify Water:

Purify water
This is the number one skill in the list of skills for prepper. This is because body needs at least 2-3 liters a day to survive. Your body can live only 3 days without any drop of water. So it doesn’t matter where you are going to survive with your family you have to make sure you have sufficient water for your family.

What will happen when you ran out of drinking water? This is where you need purifying water skill. With the help of purifying water skill you can easily purify contaminated water.

Boiling water is the top method to purify any water and you only need water to reach its boiling point to make it drinkable but what will happen when you don’t have any source to provide heat. You may don’t have access to stove, campfire or barbecue every time especially when you are on move. So I found an easy method to purify contaminated water with the use of just plastic water bottle.

Solar Disinfection Method to Purify Water

  • Consider all the water available around you is automatically contaminated
  • Locate a good condition that has good sunlight and a plastic water bottle
  • Check the bottom of the plastic water bottle and noted if it contains recycle symbol with number 1 in it.
  • Locate a source of surface water that is not too cloudy
  • Filled the bottle with water and hold the newspaper or piece of water (something written on it) on the other side of the bottle. Make sure you can read newspaper and thus the water is clean enough
  • If there is overcast on sky then you have to keep bottle outside for 48 hours and if sky is clear then put bottle in direct sunlight for 6 hours
This solar disinfection method is the easiest way to purify water. Although this method of purifying water kills 99% germs from water but it doesn’t treat chemically contaminated water. Overall this is simple technique to purify water and it needs almost no hard work.


Survival Skill #2 – Set A Fire:

Set a fire

Setting a fire is another important survival skill that every prepper must know. Fire has numerous benefits. If you know how to set fire then you can provide heat to your body. Fire can keep you alive when it is extremely cold.

It is fire that separate Stone Age human from modern human as we can cook food, boil water and keep body temperature normal at the same time. However, it is really difficult for beginners to start fire because most time they try to light bigger piece of wood. It is necessary to gather kindling and other small items to set fire. Put burning kindling and small items under the piece of wood you intent to set fire.

Additionally, to ensure ignition every time is to make a small bag full of common household materials that provide strong and long lasting flame. Here are steps on how you can prepare small bag to set fire.

Steps to Set Fire On:

  • Collect at least 10-12 pieces of empty toilet paper roll cupboards
  • Buy rubbing alcohol from supermarket or drug store
  • Get few pieces of cotton balls
  • Put few drops of rubbing alcohol on cotton balls
  • Use wet cotton balls to stuff toilet paper roll cupboards
  • Place suffed rolls into Ziploc bags
  • Give a roller squirt of rubbing alcohol and then sealed the bag
This bag will give you humble fire starter that is reliable ignition. Alcohol burns fast and hot and the whole combination will give you powerful and long lasting flame then you can put kindling and small items over it to set fire on bigger piece of wood. These fire starters in your emergency bag will take frustration out of starting a fire.


Survival Skill #3 – Stop Bleeding With Tourniquet:


If you want to learn only one medical aid skill then it should be application of Tourniquet. This is because disaster situation can provide laceration and you don’t want laceration to run out of bleed in matter of few minutes.

By learning the right way to use Tourniquet you can control bleeding of your wounded family member. A $25 Combat Application Tourniquet is much better than improvising one. Tourniquet is mostly used for medical aid as it is very common in military but it can also be use in ‘fire hose’ and ‘geyser’ as well.

Here are steps on how to apply Tourniquet step by step:

  • Find the wounded part and make sure it should be on either leg or arm
  • Apply powerful pressure to the wound and elevated the wound
  • Wound may not stop bleeding even if it is heavy pressure is applied after 15 seconds
  • Placed the Tourniquet on affected limb and at about 2” proximal to the wound (that is closer to heart but not on a joint)
  • Tighten the Tourniquet first with Velcro scalp and then with the windlass till there is no pulse felt downstream of the wound
  • Help the injured person to sit on restful position and seek for medical help
Use tourniquet to stop bleeding until professional help arrive. It is necessary to have 4 or 5 of these in your bag.



It is important to keep yourself prepare for anything worst this is because Nathan Sheperd who is Bible Scholar for 30 years predicted that the end of world is coming in 2016 on bases of prophecies available in Bible. If you want to know more then read Survive The End Days Review

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Survive The End Days Review Nathan Shepard Scam or Legit?

Is Survive The End Days, Scam? You came to the best page. Does Is Survive The End Days really function? The answer is surely yes. But do not hurry up purchasing it from the official web site just yet until you have read Survive The End Days Review below. Afterwards, it is possible to have an informed bottom line regardless of whether Survive The End Days is appropriate product to suit your needs.

Survive The End Days Review Details

More than the past few years, there has been so many prophecies regarding the end associated with the globe. This all remnants back to the change of the brand new century, which was the obvious due date with regard to the earth’s survival and many religious fanatics had been waiting for the 2nd Introduction of Jesus. These types of forecasts, cost some people their lifetime savings as well as belongings as they misplaced belief within the future. An additional more recent prediction schedules this Second Coming for January 2017, which is from Nathan Shepard’s knowledge of theology. He or she bases his analyses upon the Bible, as well as the current occasions that are considerably much like those in the Bible. It is in this book, Survive the End Days, he provides the believer a guide along with a story to consider all of them through these last days.

For most people Survive the End Days book is just another conspiracy theory concept, however for people who believe, it’s so a lot more.

Nathan Shepard offers spent more than thirty years learning the Bible and seeking to interpret the concept of the Second Introduction of Jesus, along with the purpose of establishing a feasible date associated with the world’s last day time. As such, this book includes a number of Biblical conversations and comparisons with actual life along with the purpose of featuring how near we’re in order to the end associated with days. He or she discusses issues such as Syria, the lack of the US within the Bible, Obama’s leadership and occasions in the Middle Eastern among other things that the average person would ignore. In Survive the End Days, you will find some of the most interesting details being weaved with each other to form so many connections that may spook even the the majority of rigid non-believer.

It is however not just a story for your enjoyment or to frighten you. The author offers a quantity of Christian teachings that will help the believer to survive during and after the battle. The fascinating factor here is which the book is really written from a Christian point of view, however it does not discuss trusting the Lord or laying down your lifetime as well as awaiting the resurrection. He offers theories regarding how to continue your materials and prevent spoilage, how you can shield your consumer electronics from EMP as well as how you can live through the toxic gas attack. It’s more about the aspect of army science in the art associated with success throughout a war.

Survive the End Days book includes a number of benefits as a product which you might want to obtain. First, the author doesn’t shy from the worst-case situations that you may have to face within the occasion of a real war. He talks about possibilities just like a failure in all electronics, insufficient meals as well as medication, as well as insufficient law enforcement among other things. From the logical viewpoint, these are all feasible circumstances that do not always have to correspond with the End of Days. The information here is therefore quite simple and obvious in order to absorb and possibly put into action should you ever end up having difficulties.

He is extremely interested in imparting the readers along with success techniques that would help you through some truly difficult circumstances. You might appreciate that some people can actually survive gas attacks by using some of the information which Shepard offers within this book. This means that they know what he’s referring to and thus his training upon survival abilities should have your own attention. Even when the world doesn’t end within 2017, you may find yourself in a situation where the best way to survive will be a genuine survivor along with sufficient skills within the most weird associated with circumstances.

Success is really a language that people all understand, regardless of whether Christian, Islamic, atheist, Taoist or perhaps Buddhist. The main concept of Survive the End Days is self-preservation and you’ll note that it is the non-believers that be concerned the most regarding self-preservation, since they do not have anything to appear forward to after this existence. Therefore, regardless of whether you believe in the 2nd Arriving or not, you will find that you are able to understand and appreciate the vocabulary of this book. The have to survive is one thing that many, if not completely humans share.

Another tempting aspect of Survive the End Days book is the Biblical answers which Nathan Shepard extends to the reader. Generally people know the fundamentals associated with the Bible and therefore the majority of the stories may problem to you. However, the way he or she describes these stories and draws their own connection to the recent events is rather captivating. If anything, this particular book assists as an entertaining Biblical story with current day referrals. Should you believe within God, then you will be scared for the life as well. It all depends on your spiritual settings and your notion on issues associated with the Bible.

Like a number of other forecasts on the end associated with the globe, the main drawback to Survive the End Days is the validity of the conjecture. All things in the book makes sense other than the fact that the world will end within 2017. If the book involved how to survive the war, the non-believers as well as the arguing believers may have taken this more seriously. Additionally, the book is rather terrifying sometimes. The findings drawn in relation to the commonalities within the explanation of the end associated with days as well as the recent global events are shocking to say the minimum. This will make it a careful study, specifically for those who do not enjoy the extremist ideologies which Survive the End Days book functions.

Is Survive The End Days Scam or Not?

Frankly speaking, I’m sick and tired with the people who cheat customers online! While you stick with me, you will notice that Survive The End Days is actually different, and will truly work should you since it mentioned! Exceeding a large number of customers in a huge selection of countries, it is the most powerful system of solving your problems you’ll find anywhere! It isn’t really the scam, and you may definitely call at your satisfied leads to the final outcome! What’s more, it guaranteed the good result!

Survive The End Days Conclusion

Survive The End Days is an excellent deal to the affordable price in fact it is a nicely made product that actually works.60-day unconditional refund mechanism is the guarantee ones for you!Make sure you don’t hesitate to attend obtain a good experience!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Survive The End Days Nathan

Nathan Shepard is a Bible scholar with a background in theology and archaeology. He has spent more than 17 years studying the ancient scriptures and how the words of the prophets became historical fact over time. Now, his spine chilling theory links present times events to Bible prophecies in a clear and concise way... and foretells a very sinister future for the US. From that moment on, he decided that he must become a survival expert, train and prepare for the worst disaster in human history.

Survive the End Days Launch Reviews Expose the New Survival Program

New survival program created by a survival expert Nathan Shepard contains information and techniques necessary for survival during various catastrophic events. The program was examined by another survival expert, Adam Willis, who took a closer look at this brand new program.
 — "Survive the End Days is an interesting program, which has just been released to the public. The program discusses many potential catastrophic events, some more and some less likely and offers solution and techniques how to pull through," says Adam Willis. "Survive the End Days is really detailed and possible events cover both natural and human-made catastrophes."
Adam Willis also expresses concern regarding shady marketing tactics, which exploit the growing popularity of the program. "There are some Survive the End Days review websites on the Internet, which provide potential users with misleading information and Survive the End Days reviews. These websites also sell copies of the program for twice its regular cost, so users who are genuinely interested in the program, should consider purchasing it from the official website only, which can be found here - SurviveTheEndDays.Com"
According to the official website, Survive the End Days contains necessary information for survival during various events. The program explains which are the most important medical supplies and how to create simple gadgets from common items to survive a chemical attack. Simple tricks to preserve food and medicine in case of power outages. How to create a simple Faraday Cage in the case of electromagnetic attack or solar storm and much more.
Techniques outlined in the program are useful even outside any catastrophic event. Survive the End Days comes with two bonuses. First bonus contains information about nuclear attacks, common misinformation and how to survive them. Second bonus focuses on chemical attacks, how to react properly and how to find uncontaminated water.
"One of the downsides of the program is, that it does not come in the hard copy, so users have to read it on their computer screens or tablets," says Adam Willis. "Survival techniques in the program require some time and manual skills to master, however users who feel that program is not what they expected or simply if they don't like it, can ask for a refund anytime within a 60-day money-back guarantee period."